
Creates a CFML object, of a specified type.

The tag syntax depends on the object type. Some types use the
type attribute; others do not.

  <cfobject name="">


Attribute Reference

type string

The object type. You can omit this attribute or specify component. ColdFusion automatically sets the type to component.
  • com
  • component
  • corba
  • java
  • dotnet
  • webservice

action string

* create: instantiates a COM object (typically, a DLL) before invoking methods or properties.
* connect: connects to a COM object (typically, an EXE) running on server.
  • create
  • connect

class string

Component ProgID for the object to invoke. When using Java stubs to connect to the COM object, the class must be the ProgID of the COM object.

name string

name for the instantiated component.

context string

* inproc
* local
* remote

In Windows, if not specified, uses Registry setting.
  • inproc
  • local
  • remote
  • ior
  • nameservice

server string

Server name, using Universal Naming Convention (UNC) or Domain Name Serve (DNS) convention, in one of these forms:

* \\lanserver
* lanserver

component string

Name of component to instantiate.

locale string

Sets arguments for a call to init_orb. Use this attribute only for VisiBroker ORBs. It is available on C++, Version 3.2. The value must be in the form:
locale = " -ORBagentAddr -ORBagentPort 19000"

Each type-value pair must start with a hyphen.

webservice string

One of the following:

* The absolute URL of the web service.
* The name (string) assigned in the ColdFusion Administrator to the web service.

password string

The password to use to access the web service. If the webservice attribute specifies a web service name configured in the ColdFusion Administrator, overrides any password specified in the Administrator entry.

secure boolean
Default: false

Whether to secure communications with the .NET-side agent. If true, ColdFusion uses SSL to communicate with .NET.
  • true
  • false

protocol string
Default: tcp

Protocol to use to use for communication between ColdFusion and .NET. Must be one of the following values:
* http: Use HTTP/SOAP communication protocol. This option is slower than tcp, but might be required for access through a firewall.
* tcp: Use binary TCP/IP protocol. This method is more efficient than HTTP.
  • tcp
  • http

proxyserver string

The proxy server required to access the web service URL.

refreshwsdl boolean
Default: false

* yes: reloads the WSDL file and regenerates the artifacts used to consume the web service
* no
  • true
  • false

wsportname string

The port name for the web service. This value is case-sensitive and corresponds to the port element's name attribute under the service element.

wsdl2javaargs string

A string that contains a space-delimited list of arguments to pass to the WSDL2Java tool that generates Java stubs for the web services.

proxyport string

The port to use on the proxy server.

port numeric

Port number at which the .NET-side agent is listening.

proxypassword string

The user's password on the proxy server.

assembly string

For local .NET assemblies, the absolute path or paths to the assembly or assemblies (EXE or DLL files) from which to access the .NET class and its supporting classes.
For remote .NET assemblies, you must specify the absolute path or paths of the local proxy JAR file or files that represent the assemblies.

username string

The user name to use to access the web service. If the webservice attribute specifies a web service configured name in the ColdFusion Administrator, overrides any user name specified in the Administrator entry.

proxyuser string

The user ID to send to the proxy server.

Sample code using the cfobject tag

Here created the simple component with user defined function name as multiply.

<cffunction name="multiply" access="public" returnType="numeric">
<cfargument name="FirstNum" type="numeric">
<cfargument name="SecondNum" type="numeric">
<cfretrun arguments.FirstNum * arguments.SecondNum>

Calling the above multiply function by using cfobject tag based code.

<cfobject name="multiplyObj" type="component" component="multiply">

Expected Result: 2

Calling the above multiply function by using cfobject script based code.

cfobject(name="multiplyNum" type="component" component="multiply"){

Expected Result: 42

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