
Retrieves the value of the IPTC tag for a ColdFusion image.

imageGetIPTCtag(name, tagName) → returns string

Member Function Syntax


Argument Reference

name string

The image on which this operation is performed.

tagName string

The IPTC tag name whose value is returned.

Sample code invoking the imageGetIPTCtag function

This example shows how to retrieve the caption for a JPEG file.

<!--- Create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file. ---> 
 <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/paul05.jpg" name="myImage" action="read"> 
 <!--- Retrieve the camera make used to take the original picture. ---> 
 <cfset cameraMake=imageGetIPTCtag(myImage,"make")> 
 <cfdump var="#cameraMake#"> 

CF 11+ Lucee 4.5+ Extract the copyright notice for image (

imgObj = imageRead("");
copyright = imgObj.getIPTCtag('Copyright Notice');

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