
Used to loop over elements in a structure by accessing key-value pairs.

structEach(struct,function(key, value [, struct]){} [, parallel] [, maxThreads]) → returns void

Member Function Syntax

someStruct.each(function(key, value [, struct]){} [, parallel] [, maxThreads])

Argument Reference

struct string

Structure or a variable that contains one.

callback any

Closure or a function reference that will be called for each of the iteration.

Callback parameters:

  • key*string : The key for the current iteration
  • value*any : The value for the current iteration
  • struct*struct : A reference of the original struct

parallel boolean
Default: false

Lucee 4.5+ true if the items can be executed in parallel
  • true
  • false

maxThreads numeric
Default: 20

Lucee 4.5+ the maximum number of threads to use when parallel = true

Links more information about structEach

Sample code invoking the structEach function

Use a function to write out the keys in a structure to the screen

someStruct = {a=1,b=2,c=3};

structEach(someStruct,function(key,value) {
     writeOutput('Key ' & key & ' is ' & value & '; ');

Expected Result: Key a is 1; Key b is 2; Key c is 3;

favs = {color: 'blue', food: 'pizza', sport: 'basketball'}; 
 // named function 
 // notice that the function takes two arguments, the key and value pair of the current iteration of the structure's key-value pairs 
 function getFavorites(key, value) { 
 writeOutput('My favorite ' & key & ' is ' & value); 
 // run structEach() with a named function 
 // run structEach() with an inline function 
 structEach(favs, function(key,value) { 
 writeOutput('My favorite ' & key & ' is ' & value); 

CF 11+ Lucee 4.5+

statusCodes = {
    OK = 200,
    CREATED = 201,
    NOT_MODIFIED = 304,
    BAD_REQUEST = 400,
    NOT_FOUND = 404

statusCodes.each(function(key, value) {
    writeOutput("#key# => #value#<br />");

Expected Result: NOT_FOUND => 404 BAD_REQUEST => 400 CREATED => 201 OK => 200 NOT_MODIFIED => 304

Lucee 4.5+

statusCodes = {
    OK = 200,
    CREATED = 201,
    NOT_MODIFIED = 304,
    BAD_REQUEST = 400,
    NOT_FOUND = 404

statusCodes.each(function(key, value, struct) {

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