
Sets the background color for the ColdFusion image. The background color is used for clearing a region. Setting the background color only affects the subsequent imageClearRect calls

imageSetBackgroundColor(name, color) → returns void

Member Function Syntax


Argument Reference

name string

The ColdFusion image on which this operation is performed.

color string
Default: black

Background color
  • Hexadecimal value of RGB color. For example, specify the color white as ##FFFFFF or FFFFFF.
  • String value of color (for example, 'black'', 'red'', 'green').
  • List of three numbers for (R,G,B) values. Each value must be in the range 0–255.

Sample code invoking the imageSetBackgroundColor function

This example shows how to set the background color, and then draw a rectangle on an image filled with that color.

<!--- Create a ColdFusion image from an existing JPEG file. ---> 
 <cfimage name="myImage" source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/maxwell01.jpg"> 
 <!--- Turn on antialiasing to improve image quality. ---> 
 <cfset imageSetAntialiasing(myImage)> 
 <!--- Set the background color to magenta. ---> 
 <cfset imageSetBackgroundColor(myImage,"magenta")> 
 <!--- Clear the rectangle specified on myImage with the background color specified for the image. ---> 
 <cfset imageClearRect(myImage,36,45,100,100)> 
 <!--- Display the modified image in a browser. ---> 
 <cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser"> 

CF 11+ Clears the specified rectangle (50x50) from the center of the image (x=50, y-50) using a new background color (#116185)

imgObj = imageRead("");
cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=imgObj);

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