TestBox is a framework for writing and running tests in CFML. It supports both BDD (Behavior Driven Development) and xUnit style test cases. For full documentation, checkout the TestBox Book
component extends="testbox.system.BaseSpec" {
function run() {
describe("A sweet suite", function() {
it("contains spec with an awesome expectation", function() {
expect( true ).toBeTrue();
See the testbox.system.Expectation
class for a full list of expectations. The message
argument is optional in all cases. Here are some common expectations:
//assert value==expected, not case-sensitive
expect(value).toBe(expected, message);
//assert value==expected, case-sensitive
expect(value).toBeWithCase(expected, message);
//assert value is true
//assert value is false
//assert string, array, struct, query is empty
//assert value is null
//assert struct has key, does not search nested structures
expect(value).toHaveKey(key, message);
//assert struct has key, search nested structures
expect(value).toHaveDeepKey(key, message);
//assert string, array, struct or query has a given length
expect(value).toHaveLength(length, message);
Here are some more:
//assert value is greater than target
expect(value).toBeGT(target, message);
//assert value is greater than or equal to target
expect(value).toBeGTE(target, message);
//assert value is less than target
expect(value).toBeLT(target, message);
//assert value is less than or equal to target
expect(value).toBeLTE(target, message);
//assert that the needle is included in string or array, not case-sensitive
expect(value).toInclude(needle, message);
//assert that the needle is included in string or array, case-sensitive
expect(value).toIncludeWithCase(needle, message);
//assert value between min and max
expect(value).toBeBetween(min, max, message);
//assert that the value is within +/- a passed delta and optional datepart
expect(value).toBeCloseTo(expected, delta, datePart, message);
//assert value is of CFML type using isValid function.
expect(value).toBeTypeOf(type, message);
//assert value an instance of named object type.
expect(value).toBeInstanceOf(typeName, message);
//assert value to match regex, not case-sensitive.
expect(value).toMatch(regex, message);
//assert function throws exception, optionally specify type or regex.
expect( function(){ x=1/0; } ).toThrow(type, regex, message);
// asset that value is a JSON string.
You can prefix any of the expectations with not
, to negate its meaning, for example
You can also chain expectations:
component displayName="My Sweet Suite" extends="testbox.system.BaseSpec" {
function testSomething() {
var something = true;
See the testbox.system.Assertion
class for a full list of Assertions. Here are some common assertions, the message
argument is optional.
//assert that value is true
$assert.isTrue(value, message);
//assert that value is false
$assert.isFalse(value, message);
//assert that expected is equal actual, no case is required.
$assert.isEqual(expected, actual, message);
//assert that the struct has the given key
$assert.key(struct, key, message);
//assert the length of a string, array, structure or query
$assert.lengthOf(object, length, message);
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