
TestBox Quick Reference

TestBox is a framework for writing and running tests in CFML. It supports both BDD (Behavior Driven Development) and xUnit style test cases. For full documentation, checkout the TestBox Book

BDD Example Test Suite

component extends="testbox.system.BaseSpec" {
    function run() {
        describe("A sweet suite", function() {
            it("contains spec with an awesome expectation", function() {
                expect( true ).toBeTrue(); 

Expectation Reference

See the testbox.system.Expectation class for a full list of expectations. The message argument is optional in all cases. Here are some common expectations:

//assert value==expected, not case-sensitive
expect(value).toBe(expected, message);

//assert value==expected, case-sensitive
expect(value).toBeWithCase(expected, message);

//assert value is true

//assert value is false

//assert string, array, struct, query is empty

//assert value is null

//assert struct has key, does not search nested structures
expect(value).toHaveKey(key, message);

//assert struct has key, search nested structures
expect(value).toHaveDeepKey(key, message);

//assert string, array, struct or query has a given length
expect(value).toHaveLength(length, message);

Here are some more:

//assert value is greater than target
expect(value).toBeGT(target, message);

//assert value is greater than or equal to target
expect(value).toBeGTE(target, message);

//assert value is less than target
expect(value).toBeLT(target, message);

//assert value is less than or equal to target
expect(value).toBeLTE(target, message);

//assert that the needle is included in string or array, not case-sensitive
expect(value).toInclude(needle, message);

//assert that the needle is included in string or array, case-sensitive
expect(value).toIncludeWithCase(needle, message);

//assert value between min and max
expect(value).toBeBetween(min, max, message);

//assert that the value is within +/- a passed delta and optional datepart
expect(value).toBeCloseTo(expected, delta, datePart, message);

//assert value is of CFML type using isValid function.
expect(value).toBeTypeOf(type, message);

//assert value an instance of named object type.
expect(value).toBeInstanceOf(typeName, message);

//assert value to match regex, not case-sensitive.
expect(value).toMatch(regex, message);

//assert function throws exception, optionally specify type or regex.
expect( function(){ x=1/0; } ).toThrow(type, regex, message);

// asset that value is a JSON string.

You can prefix any of the expectations with not, to negate its meaning, for example


You can also chain expectations:


xUnit Style Example Test

component displayName="My Sweet Suite" extends="testbox.system.BaseSpec" {
    function testSomething() {
        var something = true;

See the testbox.system.Assertion class for a full list of Assertions. Here are some common assertions, the message argument is optional.

//assert that value is true
$assert.isTrue(value, message);

//assert that value is false
$assert.isFalse(value, message);

//assert that expected is equal actual, no case is required.
$assert.isEqual(expected, actual, message);

//assert that the struct has the given key
$assert.key(struct, key, message);

//assert the length of a string, array, structure or query
$assert.lengthOf(object, length, message);

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