
This function creates a new array with data from the two passed arrays. To add all the data from one array into another without creating a new array see the built in function ArrayAppend(arr1, arr2, true).

arrayMerge(array1, array2 [, leaveIndex]) → returns array

Member Function Syntax

array1.merge(array2 [, leaveIndex])

This function requires Lucee.  Not supported on Adobe ColdFusion, etc.

Argument Reference

array1 array

array2 array

leaveIndex boolean

Sample code invoking the arrayMerge function

Lucee 4.5+ Merge two arrays resulting in a single re-indexed array. All elements of both arrays are preserved.

fruit = ['apple','banana','orange'];
veggies = ['tomato','carrot','corn','peas','peppers'];
healthyFoods = arrayMerge(fruit, veggies);

Expected Result: apple,banana,orange,tomato,carrot,corn,peas,peppers

Lucee 4.5+ Merge two arrays resulting in a single re-indexed array. All elements of both arrays are preserved.

fruit = ['apple','banana','orange'];
veggies = ['tomato','carrot','corn','peas','peppers'];
healthyFoods = fruit.merge(veggies);

Expected Result: apple,banana,orange,tomato,carrot,corn,peas,peppers

Lucee 4.5+ Merge two arrays resulting in a single re-indexed array. Where the both arrays have elements in the same position, only values from the first array are included in the result. Valid using standard or member function syntax.

Note how the first three elements of the veggies array are not merged because the fruit array already has values for elements 1-3.

fruit = ['apple','banana','orange'];
veggies = ['tomato','carrot','corn','peas','peppers'];
healthyFoods = arrayMerge(fruit, veggies, true);

Expected Result: apple,banana,orange,peas,peppers

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