Creates a new custom cache region (if no cache region exists).
cacheRegionNew(region [, properties] [, throwOnError])
→ returns void
Defining properties for the struct
<cfset defaultCacheProps = structNew()>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.CLEARONFLUSH = 'true'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.DISKEXPIRYTHREADINTERVALSECONDS = '3600'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.DISKPERSISTENT = 'false'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.DISKSPOOLBUFFERSIZEMB = '30'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.ETERNAL = 'false'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.MAXELEMENTSINMEMORY = '5'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.MAXELEMENTSONDISK = '10'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.MEMORYEVICTIONPOLICY = 'LRU'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.OBJECTTYPE = 'OBJECT'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.OVERFLOWTODISK = 'true'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.TIMETOLIVESECONDS = '5'>
<cfset defaultCacheProps.TIMETOIDLESECONDS = '30'>
<cfset cacheRegionNew('testregion',#defaultCacheProps#,false)>
<!--- Defining a struct object --->
<cfset obj1 = structNew()>
<cfset = 'xyz'>
<cfset timeToLive = createTimespan(0,0,5,0)>
<cfset timeToIdle = createTimespan(0,0,10,0)>
<!--- Putting Cache in the USD specific cache --->
<cfoutput>Starting to write to cache.</cfoutput>
<cfset cachePut('obj1',obj1,timetoLive,timeToIdle,'testregion')>
<cfoutput>Trying to fetch cached item...</cfoutput>
<cfset obj = cacheGet('obj1','testregion')>
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