Creates, registers, and administers Verity search engine
A collection that is created with the cfcollection tag is
internal. A collection created any other way is external.
A collection that is registered with CFML using the
cfcollection tag or registered with the K2 Server by editing
the k2server.ini file is registered. Other collections are
<cfcollection action="categorylist">
In this example we demonstrate using the cfcollection function to build a function which first checks if a collection already exists (and has records), and if not, creates the collection.
public boolean function createCollection( required string collectionName ) {
// var scope a variable to check if the collection already exists
var collectionExists = '';
// use cfcollection to get a list of documents from the passed in collection
cfcollection( action = 'list', collection = arguments.collectionName, name = 'collectionExists' );
// see if the collection has any records
if( !collectionExists.recordCount ) {
// it does not, but wrap create in a try in case it exists but is merely empty
try {
// use cfcollection to create a new collection
cfcollection( action = 'create', collection = arguments.collectionName );
// catch if this collection already exists
} catch (any e) {
// it does, return false
return false;
// otherwise
} else {
// collection already has records (and thus exists), return false
return false;
// the collection was successfully created, return true
return true;
Expected Result: True, if the collection was created; False, if the collection already exists
In this example we demonstrate using the <cfcollection> tag to build a function which first checks if a collection already exists (and has records), and if not, creates the collection.
<cffunction access="public" returntype="boolean" name="createCollection">
<cfargument name="collectionName" type="string" required="true" />
<!--- var scope a variable to check if the collection already exists --->
<cfset var collectionExists = ""; />
<!--- use cfcollection to get a list of documents from the passed in collection --->
<cfcollection action="list" collection="#arguments.collectionName#" name="collectionExists" />
<!--- see if the collection has any records --->
<cfif NOT collectionExists.recordCount>
<!--- it doesn't, but wrap create in a try in case it exists but is merely empty --->
<!--- use cfcollection to create a new collection --->
<cfcollection action="create" collection="#arguments.collectionName#" />
<!--- catch if this collection already exists --->
<cfcatch type="any">
<!--- it does, return false --->
<cfreturn false />
<!--- otherwise --->
<!--- collection already has records (and thus exists), return false --->
<cfreturn false />
<!--- the collection was successfully created, return true --->
<cfreturn true />
Expected Result: True, if the collection was created; False, if the collection already exists
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