
Creates and defines a component object; encloses functionality that you build in CFML and enclose within cffunction tags. This tag contains one or more cffunction tags that define methods. Code within the body of this tag, other than cffunction tags, is executed when the component is instantiated (like a constructor). Components are saved in a file with a .cfc extension.


 component displayname="myComponent" output="false" { }

Attribute Reference

extends string

Name of parent component from which to inherit methods and properties.

output boolean

Specifies whether constructor code in the component can generate HTML output; does not affect output in the body
of cffunction tags in the component.
  • true
  • false

displayname string

A string to be displayed when using introspection to show information about the CFC. The information appears on the
heading, following the component name.
If the style attribute is set to document, the displayname
attribute is used as the name of the service element in the WSDL.

hint string

Text to be displayed when using introspection to show information about the CFC. The hint attribute value
appears below the component name heading. This attribute
can be useful for describing the purpose of the parameter.
If the style attribute is set to document, the hint
attribute is used as the document element of the service
in the WSDL.

style string
Default: rpc

CF 7+ Specifies whether a CFC used for web services uses RPC-encoded style or document-literal style:
- rpc: RPC-encoded style, default
- document: Document-literal style
If you specify document, you must also specify the namespace,
serviceportname, porttypename, and bindingname attributes.
  • rpc
  • document

namespace string

CF 7+ Specifies the namespace used in the WSDL when using the CFC as a document-literal style web service.
If you don't specify this attribute, ColdFusion MX
derives the namespace from the CFC class name.
This attribute applies only when style="document".

serviceportname string

CF 7+ Specifies the name of the port element in the WSDL. This attribute applies only when style="document".

porttypename string

CF 7+ Specifies the name of the porttype element in the WSDL. This attribute applies only when style="document".

bindingname string

CF 7+ Specifies the name of the binding element in the WSDL. This attribute applies only when style="document".

wsdlfile string

CF 7+ A properly formatted WSDL file to be used instead of WSDL generated by ColdFusion MX.
This attribute applies only when style="document".

implements string

CF 8+ Name of the ColdFusion interface or interfaces that this component implements. If the
component implements an interface, it must
define all the functions in the interface, and the
function definitions must conform to the
definitions specified in the interface. For more
information, see cfinterface.
A component can implement any number of
interfaces. To specify multiple interface, use a
comma delimited list, of the format

serviceaddress string

CF 8+ Specifies the SOAP URL of the web service.

initmethod string

CF 9+ Method that will be called when ColdFusion instantiates the component

persistent boolean

CF 9+ Specifies CFC is persistent or not
  • true
  • false

entityname string

CF 9+ Specifies the name of the entity. Entity name is the name used by the ORM related functions to work with the persistent CFC. If entityname is not specified, then the CFC name is taken as the entityname. The entityname must be unique in the application.

table string

CF 9+ Specifies the name of the database table to which the CFC maps.

schema string

CF 9+ Used to specify the schema name.

catalog string

CF 9+ Used to specify the database catalog name.

dynamicinsert boolean
Default: false

CF 9+ Specifies whether INSERT SQL is to be generated at runtime.
Only those columns whose values are not null are included in the SQL.
  • true
  • false

dynamicupdate boolean
Default: false

CF 9+ Specifies whether UPDATE SQL is to be generated at runtime.
Only those columns whose values are not null are included in the SQL.
  • true
  • false

readonly boolean

CF 9+ Specify whether table is readonly or not
  • true
  • false

selectbeforeupdate boolean

CF 9+ Specify whether Hibernate should never perform an SQL UPDATE unless it is certain that an object is actually modified.
In cases when a transient object is associated with a new session using update(), Hibernate performs an extra SQL SELECT to determine if an UPDATE is actually required.
  • true
  • false

batchsize numeric

CF 9+ An integer value that specifies the number of records to be retrieved at a single instance.

optimisticlock string
Default: version

CF 9+ Determines the locking strategy.
It can be any one of the following four values:
  • none
  • dirty
  • all
  • version

lazy boolean
Default: true

CF 9+ Whether loading is to be done lazily or not.
  • true
  • false

rowid string

CF 9+ Row id

discriminatorColumn string

CF 9+ Use this attribute to define the discriminator column to be used in inheritance mapping

discriminatorValue string

CF 9+ Use this attribute to define the discriminator value to be used in inheritance mapping

joinColumn string

CF 9+ Use this attribute to define the join column for inheritance mapping.

embedded boolean

CF 9+ Marks CFC as embedded, used when a CFC has an embedded object which also needs to be persisted along with the parent's data
  • true
  • false

cacheUse string

CF 9+ Use this value to specify the caching strategy to be used for caching this component's data in the secondary cache
  • read-only
  • nonstrict-read-write
  • read-write
  • transactional

cacheName string

CF 9+ Use this value to specify the name of the secondary cache.

saveMapping boolean
Default: false

CF 9+ Specifies whether the generated Hibernate mapping file has to be saved to disk. If you set the value to true, the Hibernate mapping XML file is saved with the filename "CFC name".hbm.xml in the same directory as the CFC.
  • true
  • false

accessors boolean

CF 9+ If set to false, ColdFusion ORM does not generate the implicit getters and setters.
  • true
  • false

serializable boolean

CF 9+ Specifies whether this component can be serialized. If you set this value to false, the component and the data in the component‚ This and Variables scopes cannot be serialized, so they are not retained on session replication, and the component is in its default state.
  • true
  • false

attribute boolean
Default: true

CF 9+ If the attribute is set to false at the component level, then the implicit getters and setters for the individual properties are ignored.
  • true
  • false

mappedSuperClass boolean
Default: false

CF 9.0.1+ When true on a non persistent CFC, CFCs that extend this component can inherit properties.
  • true
  • false

rest boolean
Default: false

CF 10+ Enables/disables REST.
restPath must be specified to enable REST
  • true
  • false

restPath string

CF 10+ Path to access the REST-API
  • true
  • false

httpMethod string

CF 10+
  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD

produces string
Default: /

CF 10+ Comma-separated list of acceptable MIME types for output
  • text/plain,text/html
  • ...

consumes string
Default: /

CF 10+ Comma-separated list of acceptable MIME types for input
  • text/plain,text/html
  • ...

indexable boolean
Default: false

CF 10+ Enables/disables indexing for the component
  • true
  • false

indexLanguage string
Default: english

CF 10+ Set the language to be used to index and search

autoIndex boolean
Default: true

CF 10+ Enables/disables auto-indexing
  • true
  • false

wsVersion numeric

CF 10+ Set the wsVersion of Axis engine
  • 1
  • 2

invokeImplicitAccessor boolean
Default: false

CF 2016+ Get and set component properties using getter and setter methods defined in the component
  • true
  • false



Version 6+ CFCs Introduced including support for SOAP web services. CF9+ Hibernate ORM support and script based CFCs. CF10+ REST Services. CF2016+ Added invokeImplicitAccessor.

Links more information about cfcomponent

Sample code using the cfcomponent tag

CF 9+

component displayname="Script Widget" output="false" { 
 // functions and properties here 

<cfcomponent displayname="Tag Widget" output="false"> 
    <!--- functions and other values here ---> 

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