
Puts a slider control, for selecting a numeric value from a
range, in a ColdFusion form. The slider moves over the slider
groove. As the user moves the slider, the current value
displays. Used within a cfform tag.
Not supported with Flash forms.

  <cfslider name="">


The cfslider tag is DEPRECATED as of ColdFusion 11

Attribute Reference

name string

Name for cfslider control.

label string

Label to display with control.
For example, "Volume" This displays: "Volume %value%"
To reference the value, use "%value%". If %% is omitted,
slider value displays directly after label.

range string
Default: 0,100

Numeric slider range values.
Separate values with a comma.

scale numeric

Unsigned integer. Defines slider scale, within range.
For example: if range = "0,1000" and scale = "100",
the display values are: 0, 100, 200, 300, ...
Signed and unsigned integers in ColdFusion are in the
range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

value string

Starting slider setting. Must be within the range values.

onvalidate string

Custom JavaScript function to validate user input; in this
case, a change to the default slider value. Specify only
the function name.

message string

Message text to appear if validation fails.

height numeric
Default: 40

Slider control height, in pixels.

width numeric

Slider control width, in pixels.

vspace numeric

Vertical spacing above and below slider, in pixels.

hspace numeric

Horizontal spacing to left and right of slider, in pixels.

align string

Alignment of slider:
* top
* left
* bottom
* baseline
* texttop
* absbottom
* middle
* absmiddle
* right
  • top
  • left
  • bottom
  • baseline
  • texttop
  • absbottom
  • middle
  • absmiddle
  • right

lookandfeel string
Default: windows

- motif: renders slider in Motif style
- windows: renders slider in Windows style
- metal: renders slider in Java Swing style
If platform does not support style option, tag defaults to
platform default style.
Default: windows
  • motif
  • windows
  • metal

vertical boolean
Default: false

Yes: Renders slider in browser vertically. You must set
width and height attributes; ColdFusion does not
automatically swap width and height values.
No: Renders slider horizontally.

bgcolor string

Background color of control. For a hex value, use the form:
textColor = "##xxxxxx", where x = 0-9 or A-F; use two hash
signs or none.
  • black
  • red
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • orange
  • darkgray
  • pink
  • gray
  • white
  • lightgray
  • yellow

textcolor string

Text color for control. For a hex value, use the form:
textColor = "##xxxxxx", where x = 0-9 or A-F; use two hash
signs or none.
  • black
  • red
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • orange
  • darkgray
  • pink
  • gray
  • white
  • lightgray
  • yellow

font string
Default: arial

Font name for data in tree control.
  • arial
  • times
  • courier
  • arialunicodeMS

fontsize numeric

Font size for text in tree control, in points.

italic boolean
Default: false

Yes: displays tree control text in italics
No: it does not

bold boolean
Default: false

Yes: displays tree control text in bold
No: it does not

notsupported string
Default: <b>Browser must support Java to <br>view ColdFusion Java Applets!</b>

Text to display if a page that contains a Java applet-based
cfform control is opened by a browser that does not
support Java or has Java support disabled.

clickToChange boolean

Whether clicking the slider changes the value of the pointer:

max numeric

Maximum value for the slider.

onChange string

Custom JavaScript function to run when slider value changes.
Specify only the function name.

min numeric

Minimum value for the slider.

onDrag string

Custom JavaScript function to run when you drag the slider.
Specify only the function name.

onError string

Custom JavaScript function to run if validation fails.
Specify only the function name.

increment string

The unit increment value for a snapping slider.

tip boolean

Whether the data value has to display as data tips

format string

Specifies if the format is:html/applet
  • html
  • applet



DEPRECATED since version 11

Sample code using the cfslider tag

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