
Displays execution time for a specified section of
CFML code. ColdFusion MX displays the timing information
along with any output produced by the timed code.


 cftimer() {}

Attribute Reference

label string

Label to display with timing information.
Default: " "

type string
Default: debug

- inline: displays timing information inline, following the
resulting HTML.
- outline: displays timing information and also displays a line
around the output produced by the timed code. The browser
must support the FIELDSET tag to display the outline.
- comment: displays timing information in an HTML comment
in the format . The default label
is cftimer.
- debug: displays timing information in the debug output
under the heading CFTimer Times.
Default: debug
  • inline
  • outline
  • comment
  • debug

Sample code using the cftimer tag

<cftimer label="Nap time" type="inline">
Begin some long running process ...
<cfset sleep(2000)>

Expected Result: The time elapsed while executing the code inside the <cftimer> block should be displayed inline.

cftimer(label = "Nap time", type="outline"){
writeoutput("Begin some long running process ... ");

Expected Result: The time elapsed while executing the code inside the cftimer block should be displayed in the output with an outline around any output generated within the cftimer call..

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