Serializes and deserializes CFML data structures to the
XML-based WDDX format. The WDDX is an XML vocabulary for
describing complex data structures in a standard, generic way.
Implementing it lets you use the HTTP protocol to such
information among application server platforms, application
servers, and browsers.
This tag generates JavaScript statements to instantiate
JavaScript objects equivalent to the contents of a WDDX packet
or CFML data structure. Interoperates with Unicode.
<cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input="">
cfwddx(action="cfml2wddx", input="");
Reads instance's scheduled tasks file and converts it into CFML collection
<cfset local.FileContents = FileRead("D:/ColdFusion/#Instance#/lib/neo-cron.xml") />
<cfwddx action="wddx2cfml" input="#local.FileContents#" output="local.structFileContents" />
<cfdump var="local.structFileContents"
Expected Result: Dump of the Scheduled Tasks cron file stored in the local.structFileContents variable
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