
Formats a date value using U.S. date formats. When formatting both date and time, use dateTimeFormat. For international date support, use lsDateFormat.

dateFormat(date [, mask]) → returns string

Member Function Syntax


Argument Reference

date date

The datetime object (100AD-9999AD)

mask string
Default: dd-mmm-yy

Each keyword below will be replaced in the string by its respective datepart:
-d: Day of the month as digits; no leading zero for single-digit days.
-dd: Day of the month as digits; leading zero for single-digit days.
-ddd: Day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation.
-dddd: Day of the week as its full name.
-e: Day in a week (CF2016u3+).
-f: Day of a week in a month (CF2016u3+).
-D: Day in year. (pre-CF2016u3)
-m: Month as digits; no leading zero for single-digit months.
-mm: Month as digits; leading zero for single-digit months.
-mmm: Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
-mmmm: Month as its full name.
-M: Month in year. (pre-CF2016u3)
-k: Hour in a day (CF2016u3+).
-W: Week in a month (CF2016u3+).
-w: Week in a year (CF2016u3+).
-yy: Year as last two digits; leading zero for years less than 10.
-yyyy,YYYY: Year represented by four digits.
-gg: Period/era string.
-z: Time zone in unstandardized abbreviated format, for example, EST (CF2016u3+).
-Z: Time zone in hours of offset (RFC 822 TimeZone), for example, +0530 (CF2016u3+).
-X: Time zone in hours of offset in ISO 8601 format. (CF2016u3+).
-X: +05
-XX: +0530
-XXX: +5:30
The following keywords are shorthand for specific full formats and cannot be combined with other masks:
-short: equivalent to m/d/y
-medium: equivalent to mmm d, yyyy
-long: equivalent to mmmm d, yyyy
-full: equivalent to dddd, mmmm d, yyyy



CF6+ Added support for the short, medium, long and full mask formats. Member function is available in CF11+.


Member function is available in Lucee4.5+.

Links more information about dateFormat

Sample code invoking the dateFormat function

dateFormat("2015-04-11", "short")

Expected Result: 4/11/15

dateFormat("2015-04-11", "long")

Expected Result: April 11, 2015

dateFormat("2015-04-11", "full")

Expected Result: Saturday, April 11, 2015

createDate( 2022, 10, 1 ).dateFormat( 'mm/dd/yyyy' )

Expected Result: 10/01/2022

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