
Sets the attributes of an on-disk file on UNIX or Linux. This function does not work with in-memory files.

fileSetAccessMode(filePath, mode) → returns void

Argument Reference

filePath string

Path to file

mode string

Access mode (the same attributes you use for the Linux command 'chmod')

Each position specifies who is granted the access:
* 1st position: owner
* 2nd position: group
* 3rd position: other

The number at each position specifies which right is granted:
* 4: read (r)
* 2: write (w)
* 1: execute (x)

Let's assume that matrix as seen on Linux systems: rwxrwxrwx. You can combine the numbers for read, write and execute permissions to achieve combined permissions:
* 3: write & execute
* 5: read & execute
* 6: read & write
* 7: read, write and execute

For example, 400 specifies that only the owner can read the file; 004 specifies that anyone can read the file.
In rwe-notation 400 means r-------- and 004 ------r-- whereas 751 means rwxr-er--.

Sample code invoking the fileSetAccessMode function

 fileSetAccessMode("test1.txt", "004"); 

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