Create a Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) image, a distorted text image that is human-readable, but not machine-readable, used in a challenge-response test for preventing spam.
imageCreateCaptcha (height, width, text [, difficulty, fonts, fontsize)
→ returns any
<h1>imageCreateCaptcha Method</h1>
<cfset funcimg1 = imageCreateCaptcha(35,400,'loner')>
<cfimage action='writetoBrowser' source='#funcimg1#'>
<cfset funcimg2 = imageCreateCaptcha(35,400,'loner','high')>
<cfimage action='writetoBrowser' source='#funcimg2#'>
<cfset funcimg3 = imageCreateCaptcha(35,400,'loner','high','serif,sansserif', '24')>
<cfimage action='writetoBrowser' source='#funcimg3#'>
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