
Sets the height of a row in a worksheet.

spreadsheetSetRowHeight(spreadsheetObj, rowNumber, height) → returns void

This function requires Adobe ColdFusion.  Not supported on Lucee, etc.

Argument Reference

spreadsheetObj variableName

The Excel spreadsheet object to which to set the column width.

rowNumber numeric

Specifies the row to set the height.

height numeric

Specifies the height in points.

Sample code invoking the spreadsheetSetRowHeight function

Here,we've example to set the height for particular row in excel. It is supported only in adobe coldfusion.

<cfset Detail=SpreadsheetNew("student",false)>
<cfset SpreadSheetAddRow(Detail,"id,Name,Department")>
<cfset SpreadSheetAddRow(Detail,"1,Dhar,CS")>
<cfset spreadsheetSetRowHeight(Detail,2,50)>
<cfset SpreadsheetWrite(Detail,expandPath("./Detail.xls"),true)>

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