Sets the ACL for object or bucket.
storeSetACL(url, ACLObject);
→ returns void
Use this function to set full permission. The function overwrites all existing permissions. Only the ones you set in the current context exist.
<cfset dir = 's3://bucket_name'>
<cfif !directoryExists(dir)>
<cfset directoryCreate(dir)>
<cfset perm = structNew()>
<cfset = 'all'>
<cfset perm.permission = 'read'>
<cfset perm1 = structNew()>
<cfset = 'email ID'>
<cfset perm1.permission = 'FULL_CONTROL'>
<cfset myarrray = arrayNew(1)>
<cfset myarrray = [perm,perm1]>
<cfset fileWrite('#dir#/test.txt','This is to test all users permission')>
<cfset storeSetACL('#dir#/textl.txt','#myarrray#')>
<cfset test = storeGetACL ('#dirkey#/test.txt') >
<cfdump var= 'test'>
<cfdump var='#cfcatch#'>
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