
Converts a struct to an ordered one

structToSorted(structure, callback) structToSorted(structure, sorttype, sortorder, localeSensitive) → returns struct

Member Function Syntax


This function requires Adobe ColdFusion 2016.0.3 and up.  Not supported on Lucee, etc.

Argument Reference

structure struct

Structure or a variable that contains one.

callback function

Closure or function reference that will be called for each iteration. Should return -1, 0 or 1.

Callback parameters:

  • value1*any : The value of the first key/value pair
  • value2*any : The value of the second key/value pair
  • key1*string : The key name of the first key/value pair
  • key2*string : The key name of the second key/value pair

sorttype string
Default: text

  • numeric
  • text

sortorder string
Default: asc

* asc: ascending (a to z) sort order.
* desc: descending (z to a) sort order
  • asc
  • desc

localeSensitive boolean
Default: false

Respect locale-specific characters (including support for umlaut characters) while sorting (applies to type"text").

Sample code invoking the structToSorted function

Use a function to sort the keys by numeric value descending

someStruct = {
    "NINE": 9,
    "SIX": 6,
    "THREE": 3,
    "TWELVE": 12,
    "tres": 3,
    "seis": 6,
    "nueve": 9,
    "doce": 12
function sortByNumericValuesDescending(value1, value2, key1, key2) {
        if (value1 > value2) {
            return -1;
        return 1;
sortedStruct=StructToSorted(someStruct, sortByNumericValuesDescending);

Expected Result: A new struct with the keys ordered by value descending

Use a function to sort the keys by numeric value descending

someStruct = {
    "NINE": 9,
    "SIX": 6,
    "THREE": 3,
    "TWELVE": 12,
    "tres": 3,
    "seis": 6,
    "nueve": 9,
    "doce": 12
function sortByNumericValuesDescending(value1, value2, key1, key2) {
        if (value1 > value2) {
            return -1;
        return 1;


Expected Result: A new struct with the keys ordered by value descending

Use a function to sort the keys by name

someStruct = {
    "NINE": 9,
    "SIX": 6,
    "THREE": 3,
    "TWELVE": 12,
    "tres": 3,
    "seis": 6,
    "nueve": 9,
    "doce": 12
function sortByKeyName(value1, value2, key1, key2) {
        return compareNoCase(key1, key2);


Expected Result: A new struct with the keys ordered by key name

Use a function to sort the keys by name

someStruct = {
    "NINE": 9,
    "SIX": 6,
    "THREE": 3,
    "TWELVE": 12,
    "tres": 3,
    "seis": 6,
    "nueve": 9,
    "doce": 12

Expected Result: A new struct with the keys ordered by key name

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