
Gets metadata for items of an array and indicates the array type.

arrayGetMetadata(array) → returns struct

Member Function Syntax


This function requires Adobe ColdFusion 2016.0.2 and up.  Not supported on Lucee, etc.

Argument Reference

array array

The array for which to get the metadata.

Sample code invoking the arrayGetMetadata function

// Create an array
arrayList = ["apple", "pineapple", "mango"];

// Fetch meta data
data = arrayGetMetadata(arrayList);

// Print array type

Expected Result: synchronized

// Create an array
arrayList = ["apple", "pineapple", "mango"];

// Fetch meta data
data = arrayList.getMetadata();

// Print array type

Expected Result: synchronized

CF 2018+ Return struct has a new key called dimensions and can also have a defined datatype. Supported datatypes are String, Numeric, Boolean, Date, Array, Struct, Query, Component, [Component name], Binary, and Function.

arr = arrayNew['String'](1);

Expected Result: {"dimensions":1,"datatype":"String","type":"synchronized"}

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