Sets metadata for a key in a struct. When you want to SerializeJSON, the key and the value will be display as you defined in the metadata.
structSetMetadata(inputStruct, metaStruct)
→ returns void
Add metadata to a struct and serialize to a json.
It is changing the keyname and convert a string ("20") to a number.
testStruct = structNew("ordered");
testStruct.testdata = "example";
testStruct.testdata2 = "20";
metadata = {
testdata: {type: "string", name: "td1" },
testdata2: {type: "numeric", name: "td2" }
Expected Result: {"td1":"example", "td2":20.0}
Add metadata to a struct and serialize to a json.
It is changing the keyname and convert a string ("20") to a number.
testStruct = structNew("ordered");
testStruct.testdata = "example";
testStruct.testdata2 = "20";
metadata = {
testdata: {type: "string", name: "td1" },
testdata2: {type: "numeric", name: "td2" }
Expected Result: {"td1":"example", "td2":20.0}
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