
Creates a pod, an area of the browser window or layout
area with an optional title bar and body that contains
display elements.



This tag requires Adobe ColdFusion 8 and up.  Not supported on Lucee, etc.

Discouraged: The use of tags generating UI is generally discouraged by the CFML community. See:

Attribute Reference

bodyStyle string

A CSS style specification for the pod body. As a
general rule, use this attribute to set color and
font styles. Using this attribute to set the height
and width, for example, can result in distorted output.

headerStyle string

A CSS style specification for the pod header. As a
general rule, use this attribute to set color and font
styles. Using this attribute to set the height and width,
for example, can result in distorted output.

height numeric

Height if the control, including the title bar and borders,
in pixels. Default is 100.

name string

Name of the pod control.

onBindError string

The name of a JavaScript function to execute if
evaluating a bind expression results in an error.
The function must take two attributes: an HTTP
status code and a message. If you omit this
attribute, and have specified a global error handler
(by using the ColdFusion.setGlobalErrorHandler
function), it displays the error message; otherwise
a default error pop-up displays.

overflow string
Default: auto

Specifies how to display child content whose size
would cause the control to overflow the pod
boundaries. Note: In Internet Explorer, pods
with the visible setting expand to fit the size of
the contents, rather than having the contents extend
beyond the layout area.
  • auto
  • hidden
  • scroll
  • visible

source string

A URL that returns the pod contents. ColdFusion
uses standard page path resolution rules. If you
specify this attribute and the cfpod tag has a body,
ColdFusion ignores the body contents. You can use a a
bind expression with dependencies in this
attribute; for more information see the Usage section.
Note: If a CFML page specified in this attribute contains
tags that use AJAX features, such as cfform, cfgrid,
and cfwindow, you must use a cfajaximport tag on the
page with the cfpod tag.
For more information, see cfajaximport.

title string

Text to display in the pod's title bar. You can use
HTML mark up to control the title appearance, of
example to show the text in red italic font.
If you omit this attribute, the pod does not
have a title bar.

width numeric

Width if the control, including the title bar and
borders, in pixels. Default is 500.

Links more information about cfpod

Sample code using the cfpod tag

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