
Creates a pop-up window in the browser. Does not create a
separate browser pop-up instance.



This tag requires Adobe ColdFusion 8 and up.  Not supported on Lucee, etc.

Discouraged: The use of tags generating UI is generally discouraged by the CFML community. See:

Attribute Reference

bodyStyle string

A CSS style specification for the window body. As a
general rule, use this attribute to set color and
font styles. Using this attribute to set the height
and width, for example, can result in distorted output.

center boolean
Default: false

A Boolean value specifying whether to center
the window over the browser window.
If true, ColdFusion ignores the x and y
attribute values.
If false, and you do not specify x and y
attributes, ColdFusion centers the window.

closable boolean
Default: true

A Boolean value specifying whether the user can
close the window. If true, the window has an X
close icon.

draggable boolean
Default: true

A Boolean value specifying whether the user can
drag the window. To drag the window, click the
mouse on the title bar and hold the button down
while dragging. If the window does not have a
title, users cannot drag it.

headerStyle string

A CSS style specification for the window header.
As a general rule, use this attribute to set
color and font styles. Using this attribute to
set the height and width, for example, can
result in distorted output.

height numeric

Height of the window in pixels. If you specify
a value greater than the available space, the
window occupies the available space and the
resize handles do not appear. Default is 300.

initShow boolean
Default: false

A Boolean value specifying whether to display
the window when the containing page first displays.
If this value is false, use the JavaScript function to
display the window.

minHeight numeric

The minimum height, in pixels, to which users
can resize the window. Default is 0.

minWidth numeric

The minimum width, in pixels, to which users
can resize the window. Default is 0.

name string

The name of the window. Must be unique on the
pages. This attribute is required to interact
with the window, including to dynamically show
or hide it.

onBindError string

The name of a JavaScript function to execute
if evaluating a bind expression results in an
error. The function must take two attributes:
an HTTP status code and a message.
If you omit this attribute, and have specified
a global error handler
(by using the ColdFusion.setGlobalErrorHandlerfunction ),
it displays the error message; otherwise a default
error pop-up displays.

resizable boolean
Default: false

A Boolean value specifying whether the user can
resize the window.

source string

A URL that returns the window contents. This
attribute can use URL parameters to pass data
to the page. ColdFusion uses standard page path
resolution rules to locate the page. You can use
a bind expressions in this attribute; for more
information see the Usage section. Note: If a
CFML page specified in this attribute contains
tags that use AJAX features, such as cfform,
cfgrid, and cfpod, you must use a cfajaximport
tag on the page with the cfwindow tag.
For more information, see cfajaximport

title string

Text to display in the window's title bar. You
can use HTML mark up to control the title
appearance, of example to show the text in
red italic font. If you omit this attribute,
the window does not have a title bar.

width numeric

Width of the control, including the title bar
and borders, in pixels. Default is 500.

x numeric

The X (horizontal) coordinate of the upper-left
corner of the window, relative to the browser
window. ColdFusion ignores this attribute if
the center attribute value is true and if you
do not set the y attribute value.

y numeric

The Y (vertical) coordinate of the upper-left
corner of the window, relative to the browser
window. ColdFusion ignores this attribute if
the center attribute value is true and if you
do not set the x attribute value.

refreshonshow boolean
Default: false

* true Refresh the contents of the window by running the source bind expression whenever the window shows (for example, by calling the JavaScript function), in addition to when bind events occur
* false Refresh the window only when the bind expression is triggered by its bind event.

destroyOnClose boolean

When destroyOnClose is true, destroys the window when it is closed. By default, this is is false and the window is hidden when it is closed.

Sample code using the cfwindow tag

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