
Verifies the data type of a query parameter and, for DBMSs that support bind variables, enables CFML to use bind variables in the SQL statement. Bind variable usage enhances performance when executing a cfquery statement multiple times.

This tag is nested within a cfquery tag, embedded in a query SQL statement. If you specify optional parameters, this tag performs data validation.

NOTE: Due to security it's highly recommended to use this tag for any user input or non-static value used in a query to prevent code injections and the like.



Attribute Reference

value string

Value that CFML passes to the right of the comparison operator in a where clause.

If CFSQLType is a date or time option, ensure that the date value uses your DBMS-specific date format. Use the CreateODBCDateTime or DateFormat and TimeFormat functions to format the date value.

cfsqltype string

SQL type that parameter (any type) is bound to. As of CF 11+ or Lucee 4.5+ you can omit the cf_sql_ prefix.
See [CFSqlType Cheatsheet]( for a mapping of CFSQL data types to DBMS data types.
  • cf_sql_bigint
  • cf_sql_bit
  • cf_sql_char
  • cf_sql_blob
  • cf_sql_clob
  • cf_sql_nclob
  • cf_sql_date
  • cf_sql_decimal
  • cf_sql_double
  • cf_sql_float
  • cf_sql_idstamp
  • cf_sql_integer
  • cf_sql_longvarchar
  • cf_sql_longnvarchar
  • cf_sql_money
  • cf_sql_money4
  • cf_sql_nchar
  • cf_sql_nvarchar
  • cf_sql_numeric
  • cf_sql_real
  • cf_sql_refcursor
  • cf_sql_smallint
  • cf_sql_sqlxml
  • cf_sql_time
  • cf_sql_timestamp
  • cf_sql_tinyint
  • cf_sql_varchar
  • bigint
  • bit
  • char
  • blob
  • clob
  • nclob
  • date
  • decimal
  • double
  • float
  • idstamp
  • integer
  • longvarchar
  • longnvarchar
  • money
  • money4
  • nchar
  • nvarchar
  • numeric
  • real
  • refcursor
  • smallint
  • sqlxml
  • time
  • timestamp
  • tinyint
  • varchar

maxlength numeric

Maximum length of parameter.

scale numeric
Default: 0

Number of decimal places in parameter. Applies to CF_SQL_NUMERIC and CF_SQL_DECIMAL.

null boolean

Whether parameter is passed as a NULL value.

Yes: ignores the value attribute and passes NULL
No: passes the value attribute

list boolean

Yes: The value attribute value is a delimited list
No: it is not

separator string

Character that separates values in list, in value attribute.



Version 4.5+ CF2018+ Throws exceptions on invalid cfsqltype values, prior versions treated invalid types as varchar - see CF-4198194 for reference.


Supports int and cf_sql_int for integer


Supports int and cf_sql_int for integer

Links more information about cfqueryparam

Sample code using the cfqueryparam tag

Shows how to use a cfqueryparam tag within cfquery.

<cfquery name="news">
    SELECT id,title,story
    FROM news
    WHERE id = <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">

Assumes url.idList is a comma separated list of integers, eg: 1,2,3

<cfquery name="news">
    SELECT id,title,story
    FROM news
    WHERE id IN (<cfqueryparam value="#url.idList#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" list="true">)

Shows a basic example of using an expression to control whether null is passed to the queryparam

<cfquery name="test">
      INSERT into test ( key, value )
            <cfqueyparam value="#key#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" null="#isNumeric(Key) EQ false#">
            <cfqueryparam value="#value#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" null="#value EQ ''#">

CF 11+ script syntax using queryExecute and struct notation

exampleData = queryNew("id,title","integer,varchar",[{"id":1,"title":"Dewey defeats Truman"},{"id":2,"title":"Man walks on Moon"}]);

result = queryExecute(
  "SELECT title FROM exampleData WHERE id = :id", 
  { id = 2 },
  { dbtype="query" }

writeOutput( result.title[1] );

Expected Result: Man walks on Moon

CF 11+ script syntax using queryExecute and struct notation for multiple parameters

exampleData = queryNew("id,title","integer,varchar",[{"id":1,"title":"Dewey defeats Truman"},{"id":2,"title":"Man walks on Moon"}]);

result = queryExecute(
 "SELECT * FROM exampleData WHERE id = :id AND title = :title", 
 title={value="Man walks on Moon", cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"}, id={value=2, cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"} 
 { dbtype="query" } 


Expected Result: Man walks on Moon

CF 11+ script syntax using queryExecute and full array notation

exampleData = queryNew("id,title","integer,varchar",[{"id":1,"title":"Dewey defeats Truman"},{"id":2,"title":"Man walks on Moon"}]);

result = queryExecute(
  "SELECT title FROM exampleData WHERE id = ?", 
    { value=2, cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" }
  { dbtype="query" }

writeOutput( result.title[1] );

Expected Result: Man walks on Moon

CF 11+ script syntax using queryExecute and array shorthand

exampleData = queryNew("id,title","integer,varchar",[{"id":1,"title":"Dewey defeats Truman"},{"id":2,"title":"Man walks on Moon"}]);

result = queryExecute(
  "SELECT title FROM exampleData WHERE id = ?", 
  [ 2 ],
  { dbtype="query" }

writeOutput( result.title[1] );

Expected Result: Man walks on Moon

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