Used within a catch block to jump back to the beginning of the try statement.
Throw an error and retry within cfcatch until the iteration counter is equal to 3.
<cfset iterations = 1/>
<cfset limit = 3/>
<cfif iterations EQ limit>
<cfthrow type='Custom' message='Too soon. '/>
<cfset iterations += 1/>
<cfif iterations LE limit>
Expected Result: Too soon. Too soon. Done!
Throw an error and retry within catch until the iteration counter is equal to 3.
iterations = 1;
limit = 3;
try {
if (iterations == limit) {
} else {
throw(message='Too soon. ');
catch(any e) {
iterations += 1;
if (iterations <= limit) {
Expected Result: Too soon. Too soon. Done!
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