
Determines the integer number of datepart units by which date1 is less than date2.

dateDiff(datepart, date1, date2) → returns numeric

Member Function Syntax

date2.diff(datepart, date1)

Argument Reference

datepart string

yyyy: Year
q: Quarter
m: Month
y: Day of year
d: Day
w: Week (Weekday cf2018+)
ww: Week
h: Hour
n: Minute
s: Second
  • yyyy
  • q
  • m
  • y
  • d
  • w
  • ww
  • h
  • n
  • s

date1 date

The smaller date to diff
Can be either a string or a date object whereas member function only accept the latter

date2 date

The bigger date to diff
Can be either a string or a date object whereas member function only accept the latter



Member function is available in CF11+.


Member function is available in Lucee4.5+. The Lucee member function diffs dates in the opposite direction (+/-) than the Adobe CF member function. See the example below. This behaviour was changed in Lucee to match ACF.

Sample code invoking the dateDiff function

Find the difference between two dates.

dateDiff("d", "2013-01-15", "2013-01-25")

Expected Result: 10

Calculates a persons age based on a variable birthDate which contains a date. Uses the now function to get current date.

dateDiff("yyyy", birthDate, now())

Note the different behavior between ColdFusion and Lucee.

testDate = now();
diffDate = dateAdd('d', 1, testDate);
writeOutput(testDate.diff('d', diffDate)); // this returns 1 on Lucee, and -1 on ColdFusion

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