
Iterates over every entry of the struct and calls the closure to work on the key value pair of the struct. This function will reduce the struct to a single value and will return the value.

structReduce(struct, function(result, key, value [,struct]){} [, initialVal]) → returns any

Member Function Syntax

someStruct.reduce(function(result, key, value [,struct]){} [, initialVal])

Argument Reference

struct struct

The input struct.

callback any

Closure or a function reference that will be called for each of the iteration.

Callback parameters:

  • result*any : The result of the reduce operation after the previous iteration
  • key*string : The key for the current iteration
  • value*any : The value for the current iteration
  • struct*struct : A reference of the original struct

initialVal any

Initial value which will be used for the reduce operation.

Links more information about structReduce

Sample code invoking the structReduce function

rainbow = { "Red"="Whero",  "Orange"="Karaka", "Yellow"="Kowhai",  "Green"="Kakariki" }; 
  ui = structReduce(  rainbow, function(previousValue, key, value) 
 return previousValue & "<dt>#key#</dt><dd>#value#</dd>"; 
 ) & "</dl>"; 

CF 11+ Lucee 4.5+

rainbow = { "Red"="Whero",  "Orange"="Karaka", "Yellow"="Kowhai",  "Green"="Kakariki" }; 
  ui = rainbow.reduce( function(previousValue, key, value) 
 return previousValue & "<dt>#key#</dt><dd>#value#</dd>"; 
 ) & "</dl>"; 

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