
These functions performs a case-insensitive search in the array for the specified value. Returns the array index of the first match; 0 if not found.

arrayFindNoCase(array, value or callback) → returns numeric

Member Function Syntax

someArray.findNoCase(value or callback)

Argument Reference

array array

The array to search

value or callback any

The value you are looking for in the array.

Sample code invoking the arrayFindNoCase function

Returns the index of the element "Apple" in the array

writeOutput( arrayFindNoCase(["orange","pineapple","apple"], "Apple" ) );

Expected Result: 3

Not case sensitive so "Apple" will be found in the array, returns 1. Use arrayFind for case sensitive matching.

writeOutput( arrayFindNoCase(["orange","pineapple","apple"], "Apple") );

Expected Result: 1

Calls the findNoCase member function of the array object. Requires CF 11+ or Lucee 4.5+

fruit = ["orange","pineapple","apple"];
writeOutput( fruit.findNoCase("Apple") );

Expected Result: 3

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