
Generates an HTTP request and parses the response from the server into a structure. The result structure has the following keys:
statusCode : The HTTP response code and reason string.
fileContent : The body of the HTTP response. Usually a string, but could also be a Byte Array.
responseHeader : A structure of response headers, the keys are header names and the values are either the header value or an array of values if multiple headers with the same name exist.
errorDetail : An error message if applicable.
mimeType : The mime type returned in the Content-Type response header.
text : a boolean indicating if the response body is text or binary.
charset : The character set returned in the Content-Type header.
header : All the http response headers as a single string.

  <cfhttp url="">


Attribute Reference

url string

Address of the resource on the server which will handle
the request. The URL must include the hostname or IP

If you do not specify the transaction protocol (http:// or
https://), CFML defaults to http.

If you specify a port number in this attribute, it
overrides any port attribute value.

The cfhttpparam tag URL attribute appends query string
attribute-value pairs to the URL.

port numeric
Default: 80/443

Port number on the server to which to send the request.
A port value in the url attribute overrides this value.
Defaults to standard for either http or https

method string
Default: get

* GET Requests information from the server. Any data that
the server requires to identify the requested
information must be in the URL or in cfhttp type="URL"
* POST Sends information to the server for processing.
Requires one or more cfhttpparam tags. Often used for
submitting form-like data.
* PUT Requests the server to store the message body at the
specified URL. Use this method to send files to the
* DELETE Requests the server to delete the specified URL.
* HEAD Identical to the GET method, but the server does
not send a message body in the response. Use this
method for testing hypertext links for validity and
accessibility, determining the type or modification
time of a document, or determining the type of server.
* TRACE Requests that the server echo the received HTTP
headers back to the sender in the response body. Trace
requests cannot have bodies. This method enables the
CFML application to see what is being received
at the server and use that data for testing or
diagnostic information.
* OPTIONS A request for information about the
communication options available for the server or the
specified URL. This method enables the CFML
application to determine the options and requirements
associated with a URL, or the capabilities of a server,
without requesting any additional activity by the
* PATCH: requests partial updates to the requested entity at the specified URL. Use this method to modify parts of the resource whereas use PUT method to completely replace the resource at the specified URL. CF 11+
  • get
  • post
  • put
  • delete
  • head
  • trace
  • options
  • patch

proxyserver string

The proxy server required to access the URL.

proxyport numeric
Default: 80

The port to use on the proxy server.

proxyuser string

The user ID to send to the proxy server.

proxypassword string

The user's password on the proxy server.

username string

A username. May be required by server.

password string

A password. May be required by server

useragent string
Default: ColdFusion

Text to put in the user agent request header. Used to
identify the request client software. Can make the
CFML application appear to be a browser.

charset string

The character encoding of the request, including the URL
query string and form or file data, and the response.

For more information on character encodings, see:
  • utf-8
  • iso-8859-1
  • windows-1252
  • us-ascii
  • shift_jis
  • iso-2022-jp
  • euc-jp
  • euc-kr
  • big5
  • euc-cn
  • utf-16

resolveurl boolean
Default: false

No does not resolve URLs in the response body. As a result,
any relative URL links in the response body do not work.
Yes resolves URLs in the response body to absolute URLs,
including the port number, so that links in a retrieved
page remain functional.

throwonerror boolean
Default: true

Yes if the server returns an error response code, throws
an exception that can be caught using the cftry and
cfcatch or CFML error pages.
No does not throw an exception if an error response is
returned. In this case, your application can use the
cfhttp.StatusCode variable to determine if there was
an error and its cause.

redirect boolean
Default: true

If the response header includes a Location field,
determines whether to redirect execution to the URL
specified in the field.

timeout numeric

Value, in seconds of the maximum time the request can take.
If the timeout passes without a response, CFML
considers the request to have failed.

getasbinary string
Default: auto

* No If CFML does not recognize the response body
type as text, convert it to a CFML object.
* Auto If CFML does not recognize the response body
type as text, convert it to CFML Binary type data.
* Yes Always convert the response body content into
CFML Binary type data, even if CFML
recognizes the response body type as text.
* Never Prevents the automatic conversion of certain
MIME types to the ColdFusion Binary type data;
treats the returned content as text. CF 7.01+
  • auto
  • no
  • yes
  • never

result string
Default: cfhttp

CF 7+ Specifies the name of the variable in which you want the result returned.

delimiter string

A character that separates query columns. The response body must use this character to separate the query columns.

name string

Tells ColdFusion to create a query object with the given
name from the returned HTTP response body.

columns string

The column names for the query, separated by commas, with no
spaces. Column names must start with a letter. The remaining
characters can be letters, numbers, or underscore
characters (_).

If there are no column name headers in the response,
specify this attribute to identify the column names.

If you specify this attribute, and the firstrowasHeader
attribute is True (the default), the column names specified
by this attribute replace the first line of the response.
You can use this behavior to replace the column names
retrieved by the request with your own names.

If a duplicate column heading is encountered in either this
attribute or in the column names from the response,
ColdFusion appends an underscore to the name to make it

If the number of columns specified by this attribute does
not equal the number of columns in the HTTP response body,
ColdFusion generates an error.

firstrowasheaders boolean
Default: true

Determines how ColdFusion processes the first row of the
query record set:
* yes: processes the first row as column heads. If you
specify a columns attribute, ColdFusion ignores the
first row of the file.
* no: processes the first row as data. If you do not
specify a columns attribute, ColdFusion generates column
names by appending numbers to the word "column"; for
example, "column_1".

textqualifier string
Default: "

A character that, optionally, specifies the start and end
of a text column. This character must surround any text
fields in the response body that contain the delimiter
character as part of the field value.

To include this character in column text, escape it by
using two characters in place of one. For example, if the
qualifier is a double-quotation mark, escape it as "".
  • "
  • '

file string

Name of the file in which to store the response body. The directory that the file will be written to must be passed in the path attribute.

multipart boolean
Default: false

Tells ColdFusion to send all data specified by cfhttpparam type="formField" tags as multipart form data, with a Content-Type of multipart/form-data.
  • false
  • true

multipartType string
Default: form-data

Allows you to set the multipart header field to related or form-data. By default, the value is form-data.
  • form-data
  • related

clientcertpassword string

Password used to decrypt the client certificate.

path string

Required if File is specified. Tells ColdFusion to save the HTTP response body in a file. Contains the absolute path to the directory in which to store the file.

clientcert string

The full path to a PKCS12 format file that contains the client certificate for the request.

compression string

Compression type

authType string
Default: BASIC

CF 11+ NOTE When authentication type is NTLM, do not set the redirect as false.
  • NTLM

domain string

CF 11+ The domain name for authentication. (Use for NTLM-based authentication)

workstation string

CF 11+ The workstation name for authentication. (Use for NTLM-based authentication)

cachedwithin numeric

Lucee 5+ Timespan, using the CreateTimeSpan function. If original
file date falls within the time span, cached file data is
used. CreateTimeSpan defines a period from the present, back.

encodeurl boolean
Default: true

Allow the CFML engine to encode the url provided in the url attribute, or prevent it from doing so.
  • true
  • false

Sample code using the cfhttp tag

cfhttp(method="GET", charset="utf-8", url="", result="result") {
    cfhttpparam(name="q", type="url", value="cfml");

httpService = new http(method = "GET", charset = "utf-8", url = "");
httpService.addParam(name = "q", type = "url", value = "cfml");
result = httpService.send().getPrefix();

<cfhttp result="result" method="GET" charset="utf-8" url="">
    <cfhttpparam name="q" type="url" value="cfml">
<cfdump var="#result#">

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