
Provides additional information to the cfpdfform tag.
The cfpdfformparam tag is always a child tag of the cfpdfform or cfpdfsubform tag.
Use the cfpdfformparam tag to populate fields in a PDF form.

  <cfpdfformparam name="" value="">

 cfpdfformparam(name="", value="");

This tag requires Adobe ColdFusion 8 and up.  Not supported on Lucee, etc.

Attribute Reference

index numeric

Specify the index associated with the field name.
If multiple fields have the same name, the index
value is used to locate one of them. (optional, default=1)

name string

The field name on the PDF form. (required)

value string

The value associated with the field name.
For interactive fields, specify a ColdFusion variable. (optional)

Links more information about cfpdfformparam

Sample code using the cfpdfformparam tag

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